Europe丨COVID-19 Global Outbreak Highlights(4.4~4.10)全球疫情一周简报之欧洲(4.4~4.10)

2020-04-14 09:50:20 source: 欧洲时报

1. China assisted Serbia in building a virus testing laboratory

On April 8, the Serbian government and BGI held an online signing ceremony. Serbia entrusted BGI to build two "Eye of fire" 2019- nCoV testing laboratories in Serbia, which are located in Belgrade, the capital, and Nishi, an important city in the south.

Prime Minister Ana Brnabić of Serbia, Minister of agriculture, forestry and water management Nedimovic, Minister of energy and mining Andic, Minister of health Lonchar and Chinese ambassador to Serbia Chen Bo jointly attended the signing ceremony. During the outbreak, the two sides signed the cooperation agreement through a video link.


2. The "Government Resignation " campaign was launched on Youtube in Spain

At 19 o'clock on April 8, a "Government Resignation” (GobiernoDimisión)campaign was launched on Youtube, condemning the incompetence of the social labor party and the coalition government of Podemos to deal with the COVID-19 crisis, with over 400000 hits that day. As of April 9, the government resignations channel had nearly 260000 subscribers. According to the poster, "this is the first online march in history", by subscribing to the channel, you can learn the truth when the government deceives people. In the propaganda video, there are slogans such as "las tumbas no hablan, hablemomosnosotros".

Santiago Abascal, Vox's chairman, joined the campaign, calling it "An amazing act of patriotism," the classified newspaper reported. While PSOE did not mention the protest, it said at the same time: "the real enemy is not the government led by Sánchez, but the virus."



3. Everyone in Spain participated in the 3D-printed face masks

Leon News Network reported that Leon3D, the University of Leon, the Leon Innovation and Education Center and the Makers network community (the organization self-made protective masks at home, with more than 10000 members, all over Spain) and other community groups and organizations helped and coordinated with each other to provide Spanish medical staff with protective masks against COVID-19

More than 500 3D printers are continuously making face protectors for health workers to avoid their unprotected exposure to dangerous environments. They have produced more than 1200 masks in record time, and production will continue to grow.


4. British Prime Minister transferred to the general ward

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is out of danger

According to the latest news from BBC and Prime Minister's Office, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was transferred from the intensive care unit (ICU) to the general ward on the evening of the 9th, and he will receive intensive care during the recovery period.

5. Italy began to issue shopping vouchers, which can also be collected by Chinese, with a maximum amount of 700 euros

In order to actively respond to the COVID-19 epidemic, the Italian government began to allocate funds to various regions. Recently, Milan, Rome and other cities began to issue shopping vouchers to help families with financial difficulties caused by the epidemic, which can be used to buy food and necessities.



6. Nearly 70% of blood donors in Italian towns have been tested for the COVID-19 antibody! They have no symptoms and do not know that they have been infected.

Castiglione d' Adda, a small town in Lodi, Italy, is one of the first towns to be classified into the red zone by the Italian government. Recently, 40 of the town's 60 blood donors have been tested for infection with 2019- nCoV, of which the most noticeable is the presence of antibodies in their plasma. At present, the researchers intend to use the plasma containing an antibody for the treatment of severe patients with COVID-19.

7. There is no chance that the COVID-19 will disappear in summer

Ilaria Capua, an Italian virologist at the University of Florida in the United States, said during a live connection with Florence mayor Dario Nardella on Wednesday, the Huffington Post reported.

Ilaria Capua said that since COVID-19 has only four months since its emergence, our understanding of it is still insufficient, and its source and survival time are not clear. Usually, the virus is not easy to survive at high temperatures. Because the temperature is too high, the droplets will dry out quickly when sneezing, reducing their ability to spread. But she also pointed out that the virus cannot be assumed to disappear because of high temperature.


8. In Germany, 650000 enterprises have registered and implemented the short-term work system

According to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, the short-term work system is a wage subsidy system implemented by the German federal government to help enterprises reduce their burden during the outbreak crisis. The federal labor office today announced that 650000 businesses in Germany have registered for short-term work, an increase of about 40% over a month ago, most of them in the hotel, catering and retail sectors. As of March 27, about 470000 enterprises in Germany had received short-term work subsidies. Detlef Scheele, head of the Federal Labor Office, warned that due to the heavy workload of the review, the application process should be avoided as much as possible.


9.German phishing sites posing as the ministry of economic wealth! Aid subsidy for an emergency stop in NRW

The spread of the COVID-19 epidemic has almost paralyzed Germany. The supply chain is broken, factories are shut down, and enterprises are suffering unprecedented damage. A large number of enterprises have declared bankruptcy. In order to help enterprises, individual operators and other sectors of society through difficulties, the Federal Ministry of Finance of Germany launched the largest economic assistance program in history, including emergency assistance subsidies totaling up to 50 billion euros to small and micro enterprises, self-employed and freelancers.

However, according to the daily news, on the morning of September 9, the NRW government stopped the payment of the subsidies. The NRW state economic ministry said in a statement that police had recently discovered a phishing website that posed as the official website of the government and illegally stole the personal information of citizens through a fake application page for aid subsidies.


10. BMW suspended production until the end of April

BMW group announced Thursday that it will extend production stops in Europe and North America until the end of April, Sueddeutsche Zeitung reported. The company predicted that due to the COVID-19 epidemic, the demand of the global automobile market is expected to continue to decline, so BMW decided to extend the shutdown status "until the market recovers". BMW has stopped production at plants in Europe, South Africa, and Mexico since mid-March, and no cars or motorcycles will be rolled out in April. BMW's production line in Shenyang, China, the world's largest production base, has reopened in mid-February.



11. Austria will track more data on citizen movements

According to Die Press reported that Kurtz said in an interview on Friday that in order to fight against COVID-19, more tracking will be carried out on citizens' mobile data, but because tracking needs to use smartphones, and there are about 2 million people without smartphones in Austria, Kurtz hopes to send a device similar to "key pendant" to track the mobile data of carriers, so as to against the virus better. In addition to close follow-up, tests will be expanded to completely separate sick and healthy people. Austrian businesses are all closed now, and Kurtz hopes that some of the stores will be reopened after Easter.



12.EU finance ministers agree on a 540 billion euro economic assistance plan

EU finance ministers held a 16-hour video conference on the 7th, which ended in disagreement. The video conference was reconvened on the afternoon of September 9. After several hours of intense discussion, an agreement was reached at midnight. The German finance minister said it was "A day of EU " and the agreement showed that the EU would act in unison and "the European Union is working". French finance minister Bruno Le Maire said that the EU had reached a "Remarkable agreement" on the economic consequences of defeating COVID-19.

According to media reports during the period, the EU will provide a total of 540 billion euros of economic assistance through three channels to protect employment, protect small and medium-sized enterprises, and bail out countries such as Italy and Spain. The assistance plan consists of three parts:

1. The European stability mechanism (ESM) eased lending conditions and provided up to 240 billion euros in loans to countries in southern Europe that were severely affected by the outbreak. The loans temporarily give up on the premise of economic reform, but the funds can only be used in the health system; 2. The European Investment Bank (EIB) has set up a corporate loan guarantee fund with a total amount of 200 billion euros; 3. According to the experience of Germany, the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen proposed to raise 100 billion euros to provide wage subsidies for short-term workers.

13. Emmanuel Macron returned to the front

On April 7, French President Emmanuel Marcon just inspected 93 provincial medical institutions with high mortality rate, and on April 9, he went to Kremlin-Bicêtre hospital in 94 Province in the southern suburb of Paris to visit the medical workers there and learned the latest research results of COVID-19 treatment methods from the medical research team.

Marcon kept bowing and clapping to express his gratitude to the medical workers.











4月8日19时,油管(Youtube)上发起了“政府辞职”(GobiernoDimisión)运动,谴责社工党和我们能党的联合政府应对新冠危机的无能,当天点击量超40万。截至4月9日,“政府辞职”频道已经有近26万订阅者。宣传海报上表示,“这是史上第一次网上大游行”,订阅该频道,可以在政府欺骗民众的时候了解事实真相。宣传视频中,还出现了“坟墓不说话,那就让我们说”(las tumbas no hablan,hablemos nosotros)等口号。


《机密报》报道,呼声党主席Santiago Abascal也加入了此次行动,还称之为“让人叹为观止的爱国行为”。而社工党虽然没有提及此次抗议活动,但在同一时间发文表示:“真正的敌人不是桑切斯领导的政府,而是病毒。”

(《欧洲时报》西班牙版微信公众号“西闻”原创、翻译或编辑整理, 西闻:SpainZone )









(《欧洲时报》西班牙版微信公众号“西闻”原创、翻译或编辑整理, 西闻:SpainZone )




据BBC和首相府最新消息,英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)9日晚从重症监护病房(ICU)转移到普通病房,处于康复期的他将接受严密的监护。”




5. 意大利开始发放购物劵, 华人也可以领取, 最高金额可达700欧




6.意小镇近70%献血者被测出含新冠抗体! 无任何症状, 不知已被感染

意大利洛迪省的小镇卡斯蒂廖内达达(Castiglione d’Adda)是被意大利政府划入首个红区的小镇之一。近日,该小镇60名献血人中有40人被测出感染新冠病毒,其中最引人关注的是这些人的血浆里含有抗体。目前,研究人员拟将含有抗体的血浆用于新冠肺炎重症患者的治疗。





意大利《赫芬顿邮报》报道,一位就职于美国佛罗里达大学的意大利病毒学家Ilaria Capua 3日在和佛罗伦萨市长Dario Nardella进行直播连线时直言,“新冠病毒在夏天消失的可能性是‘零’。”


Ilaria Capua称,由于新冠病毒从出现到现在仅有4个月的时间,我们对它的认识仍然不够,其来源和存活时间也尚不清楚。通常情况下,病毒不易在高温里存活。因为温度过高,打喷嚏时飞沫很快会变干,从而降低传播力。但她也指出,不能因此就认为新冠病毒一定会因为高温而消失。


(意烩原创,翻译:尘烁、俞一,编辑:赵筱,部分资料来自新华网、北京财新网、上海澎湃新闻、《新民晚报》、广州《南方日报》,图片来源见标注,转载请注明意烩:oushitalia )



据《法汇报》报道,短时工作制度是德国联邦政府在疫情危机时期为帮助企业减负而推行的工资补贴制度。联邦劳工局今日宣布,德国现已有65万家企业登记实行短时工作制度,比一个月前增加了约40%,其中大部分属于酒店餐饮行业和零售行业。截至3月27日,德国约有470000家企业获得短时工作补贴。联邦劳工局负责人Detlef Scheele警告,由于审查工作量庞大,应尽量避免申请流程复杂化、官僚化。











10. 宝马停产延至4月底





11. 奥地利将追踪更多公民移动数据






12. 欧盟财长就5400亿欧元经济援助计划达成一致







13. 马克龙再赴前线





(欧洲时报/ 周周、来米 编译报道)




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11877808 Europe丨COVID-19 Global Outbreak Highlights(4.4~4.10)全球疫情一周简报之欧洲(4.4~4.10) public html

1. China assisted Serbia in building a virus testing laboratory

On April 8, the Serbian government and BGI held an online signing ceremony. Serbia entrusted BGI to build two "Eye of fire" 2019- nCoV testing laboratories in Serbia, which are located in Belgrade, the capital, and Nishi, an important city in the south.

Prime Minister Ana Brnabić of Serbia, Minister of agriculture, forestry and water management Nedimovic, Minister of energy and mining Andic, Minister of health Lonchar and Chinese ambassador to Serbia Chen Bo jointly attended the signing ceremony. During the outbreak, the two sides signed the cooperation agreement through a video link.


2. The "Government Resignation " campaign was launched on Youtube in Spain

At 19 o'clock on April 8, a "Government Resignation” (GobiernoDimisión)campaign was launched on Youtube, condemning the incompetence of the social labor party and the coalition government of Podemos to deal with the COVID-19 crisis, with over 400000 hits that day. As of April 9, the government resignations channel had nearly 260000 subscribers. According to the poster, "this is the first online march in history", by subscribing to the channel, you can learn the truth when the government deceives people. In the propaganda video, there are slogans such as "las tumbas no hablan, hablemomosnosotros".

Santiago Abascal, Vox's chairman, joined the campaign, calling it "An amazing act of patriotism," the classified newspaper reported. While PSOE did not mention the protest, it said at the same time: "the real enemy is not the government led by Sánchez, but the virus."



3. Everyone in Spain participated in the 3D-printed face masks

Leon News Network reported that Leon3D, the University of Leon, the Leon Innovation and Education Center and the Makers network community (the organization self-made protective masks at home, with more than 10000 members, all over Spain) and other community groups and organizations helped and coordinated with each other to provide Spanish medical staff with protective masks against COVID-19

More than 500 3D printers are continuously making face protectors for health workers to avoid their unprotected exposure to dangerous environments. They have produced more than 1200 masks in record time, and production will continue to grow.


4. British Prime Minister transferred to the general ward

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is out of danger

According to the latest news from BBC and Prime Minister's Office, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was transferred from the intensive care unit (ICU) to the general ward on the evening of the 9th, and he will receive intensive care during the recovery period.

5. Italy began to issue shopping vouchers, which can also be collected by Chinese, with a maximum amount of 700 euros

In order to actively respond to the COVID-19 epidemic, the Italian government began to allocate funds to various regions. Recently, Milan, Rome and other cities began to issue shopping vouchers to help families with financial difficulties caused by the epidemic, which can be used to buy food and necessities.



6. Nearly 70% of blood donors in Italian towns have been tested for the COVID-19 antibody! They have no symptoms and do not know that they have been infected.

Castiglione d' Adda, a small town in Lodi, Italy, is one of the first towns to be classified into the red zone by the Italian government. Recently, 40 of the town's 60 blood donors have been tested for infection with 2019- nCoV, of which the most noticeable is the presence of antibodies in their plasma. At present, the researchers intend to use the plasma containing an antibody for the treatment of severe patients with COVID-19.

7. There is no chance that the COVID-19 will disappear in summer

Ilaria Capua, an Italian virologist at the University of Florida in the United States, said during a live connection with Florence mayor Dario Nardella on Wednesday, the Huffington Post reported.

Ilaria Capua said that since COVID-19 has only four months since its emergence, our understanding of it is still insufficient, and its source and survival time are not clear. Usually, the virus is not easy to survive at high temperatures. Because the temperature is too high, the droplets will dry out quickly when sneezing, reducing their ability to spread. But she also pointed out that the virus cannot be assumed to disappear because of high temperature.


8. In Germany, 650000 enterprises have registered and implemented the short-term work system

According to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, the short-term work system is a wage subsidy system implemented by the German federal government to help enterprises reduce their burden during the outbreak crisis. The federal labor office today announced that 650000 businesses in Germany have registered for short-term work, an increase of about 40% over a month ago, most of them in the hotel, catering and retail sectors. As of March 27, about 470000 enterprises in Germany had received short-term work subsidies. Detlef Scheele, head of the Federal Labor Office, warned that due to the heavy workload of the review, the application process should be avoided as much as possible.


9.German phishing sites posing as the ministry of economic wealth! Aid subsidy for an emergency stop in NRW

The spread of the COVID-19 epidemic has almost paralyzed Germany. The supply chain is broken, factories are shut down, and enterprises are suffering unprecedented damage. A large number of enterprises have declared bankruptcy. In order to help enterprises, individual operators and other sectors of society through difficulties, the Federal Ministry of Finance of Germany launched the largest economic assistance program in history, including emergency assistance subsidies totaling up to 50 billion euros to small and micro enterprises, self-employed and freelancers.

However, according to the daily news, on the morning of September 9, the NRW government stopped the payment of the subsidies. The NRW state economic ministry said in a statement that police had recently discovered a phishing website that posed as the official website of the government and illegally stole the personal information of citizens through a fake application page for aid subsidies.


10. BMW suspended production until the end of April

BMW group announced Thursday that it will extend production stops in Europe and North America until the end of April, Sueddeutsche Zeitung reported. The company predicted that due to the COVID-19 epidemic, the demand of the global automobile market is expected to continue to decline, so BMW decided to extend the shutdown status "until the market recovers". BMW has stopped production at plants in Europe, South Africa, and Mexico since mid-March, and no cars or motorcycles will be rolled out in April. BMW's production line in Shenyang, China, the world's largest production base, has reopened in mid-February.



11. Austria will track more data on citizen movements

According to Die Press reported that Kurtz said in an interview on Friday that in order to fight against COVID-19, more tracking will be carried out on citizens' mobile data, but because tracking needs to use smartphones, and there are about 2 million people without smartphones in Austria, Kurtz hopes to send a device similar to "key pendant" to track the mobile data of carriers, so as to against the virus better. In addition to close follow-up, tests will be expanded to completely separate sick and healthy people. Austrian businesses are all closed now, and Kurtz hopes that some of the stores will be reopened after Easter.



12.EU finance ministers agree on a 540 billion euro economic assistance plan

EU finance ministers held a 16-hour video conference on the 7th, which ended in disagreement. The video conference was reconvened on the afternoon of September 9. After several hours of intense discussion, an agreement was reached at midnight. The German finance minister said it was "A day of EU " and the agreement showed that the EU would act in unison and "the European Union is working". French finance minister Bruno Le Maire said that the EU had reached a "Remarkable agreement" on the economic consequences of defeating COVID-19.

According to media reports during the period, the EU will provide a total of 540 billion euros of economic assistance through three channels to protect employment, protect small and medium-sized enterprises, and bail out countries such as Italy and Spain. The assistance plan consists of three parts:

1. The European stability mechanism (ESM) eased lending conditions and provided up to 240 billion euros in loans to countries in southern Europe that were severely affected by the outbreak. The loans temporarily give up on the premise of economic reform, but the funds can only be used in the health system; 2. The European Investment Bank (EIB) has set up a corporate loan guarantee fund with a total amount of 200 billion euros; 3. According to the experience of Germany, the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen proposed to raise 100 billion euros to provide wage subsidies for short-term workers.

13. Emmanuel Macron returned to the front

On April 7, French President Emmanuel Marcon just inspected 93 provincial medical institutions with high mortality rate, and on April 9, he went to Kremlin-Bicêtre hospital in 94 Province in the southern suburb of Paris to visit the medical workers there and learned the latest research results of COVID-19 treatment methods from the medical research team.

Marcon kept bowing and clapping to express his gratitude to the medical workers.











4月8日19时,油管(Youtube)上发起了“政府辞职”(GobiernoDimisión)运动,谴责社工党和我们能党的联合政府应对新冠危机的无能,当天点击量超40万。截至4月9日,“政府辞职”频道已经有近26万订阅者。宣传海报上表示,“这是史上第一次网上大游行”,订阅该频道,可以在政府欺骗民众的时候了解事实真相。宣传视频中,还出现了“坟墓不说话,那就让我们说”(las tumbas no hablan,hablemos nosotros)等口号。


《机密报》报道,呼声党主席Santiago Abascal也加入了此次行动,还称之为“让人叹为观止的爱国行为”。而社工党虽然没有提及此次抗议活动,但在同一时间发文表示:“真正的敌人不是桑切斯领导的政府,而是病毒。”

(《欧洲时报》西班牙版微信公众号“西闻”原创、翻译或编辑整理, 西闻:SpainZone )









(《欧洲时报》西班牙版微信公众号“西闻”原创、翻译或编辑整理, 西闻:SpainZone )




据BBC和首相府最新消息,英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)9日晚从重症监护病房(ICU)转移到普通病房,处于康复期的他将接受严密的监护。”




5. 意大利开始发放购物劵, 华人也可以领取, 最高金额可达700欧




6.意小镇近70%献血者被测出含新冠抗体! 无任何症状, 不知已被感染

意大利洛迪省的小镇卡斯蒂廖内达达(Castiglione d’Adda)是被意大利政府划入首个红区的小镇之一。近日,该小镇60名献血人中有40人被测出感染新冠病毒,其中最引人关注的是这些人的血浆里含有抗体。目前,研究人员拟将含有抗体的血浆用于新冠肺炎重症患者的治疗。





意大利《赫芬顿邮报》报道,一位就职于美国佛罗里达大学的意大利病毒学家Ilaria Capua 3日在和佛罗伦萨市长Dario Nardella进行直播连线时直言,“新冠病毒在夏天消失的可能性是‘零’。”


Ilaria Capua称,由于新冠病毒从出现到现在仅有4个月的时间,我们对它的认识仍然不够,其来源和存活时间也尚不清楚。通常情况下,病毒不易在高温里存活。因为温度过高,打喷嚏时飞沫很快会变干,从而降低传播力。但她也指出,不能因此就认为新冠病毒一定会因为高温而消失。


(意烩原创,翻译:尘烁、俞一,编辑:赵筱,部分资料来自新华网、北京财新网、上海澎湃新闻、《新民晚报》、广州《南方日报》,图片来源见标注,转载请注明意烩:oushitalia )



据《法汇报》报道,短时工作制度是德国联邦政府在疫情危机时期为帮助企业减负而推行的工资补贴制度。联邦劳工局今日宣布,德国现已有65万家企业登记实行短时工作制度,比一个月前增加了约40%,其中大部分属于酒店餐饮行业和零售行业。截至3月27日,德国约有470000家企业获得短时工作补贴。联邦劳工局负责人Detlef Scheele警告,由于审查工作量庞大,应尽量避免申请流程复杂化、官僚化。











10. 宝马停产延至4月底





11. 奥地利将追踪更多公民移动数据






12. 欧盟财长就5400亿欧元经济援助计划达成一致







13. 马克龙再赴前线





(欧洲时报/ 周周、来米 编译报道)



