Online interview: Epidemiologist Li Lanjuan gives answers for the most concerned questions from the overseas Chinese people 在线专访:李兰娟院士为海外华侨“把脉开方”!

2020-03-24 09:20:04 source: 青田传媒


There are 3.14 million returned overseas Chinese and their family members in Zhejiang Province. With the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in the world, the safety of overseas Chinese has affected many people, including epidemiologist Li Lanjuan.

Recently, Qingtian Integrated Media Center made an exclusive interview with her. Epidemiologist Li Lanjuan, who still sticks to the front line of anti-epidemic in Wuhan, answered several questions most concerned by overseas Chinese at present through a video connection.

Q: With the spread of COVID-19 abroad, how should our overseas Chinese do a good job of protection? If there are fever, cough and other suspected symptoms, how to protect and treat it?

Li Lanjuan: When you are not sick or have a fever, it is safest to stay at home. Generally speaking, patients with COVID-19 may have fever, cough, fatigue and other symptoms in the early stage. So once these symptoms appear, and have been in contact with suspected patients, we should go to the hospital for testing. You can do a throat swab sputum test to check the virus nucleic acid. If the nucleic acid test is positive, you are infected with COVID-19. But there are also some patients with fever and sore throat who may not be infected with COVID-19, may also be influenza or other reasons, so further tests are needed to confirm the diagnosis.

In the case of fever, a blood test can be carried out first. Generally, white blood cells of patients with COVID-19 will not become high. If the test results show that the white blood cells are very high, it may be due to bacterial infection. Second, you can go to the hospital for chest or lung CT. If there are inflammation and shadow in the lung, combined with the results of blood tests in which the white blood cells are not high and the lymphocytes are low, then the possibility of COVID-19 should be considered. In addition, if the nucleic acid of throat swab COVID-19 is positive, it can be diagnosed as COVID-19. For this kind of patients, it is better to go to the hospital for isolation, because we have learned a lesson in Wuhan that when we isolate at home if we don't handle it properly, it may lead to infection in the whole family.

Once diagnosed with COVID-19, it is very important to carry out antiviral treatment as early as possible to avoid severe and critical illness. Patients with mild and common diseases will recover after one or two weeks of treatment. Once converted to severe and critical illness, there will be life danger, so it is necessary to go to the hospital for treatment.


Q: Now Qingtian has been delivering Chinese medicine granules overseas. What do you think of the effect of these preparations on the prevention and treatment of COVID-19? What are your suggestions?

Li Lanjuan: In foreign countries, it's best to adopt the treatment method of combining Chinese and Western medicine. At present, many treatment methods have been recorded in our country's treatment plan. There is also traditional Chinese medicine decoction in the diagnosis and treatment plan, and the decoction used according to different conditions is also different. I suggest that patients can take traditional Chinese medicine decoction at different stages, but it's better to treat them dialectically, and then combine western medicine with antiviral treatment. In this way, the combination of Chinese and Western medicine will play a certain role in early antiviral treatment.

Q: Qingtian has opened a cloud consultation platform for overseas Chinese. What are your suggestions for this?

Li Lanjuan: This is a very important job. Overseas Chinese in Qingtian have made great contributions to our country. We should support them and help them when they are in difficulty. Whether the overseas Chinese are in Italy or Spain, we are all Chinese. They give full support to us when we are in difficulty, and we will certainly repay them when they are in difficulty! We can share the experience accumulated in this period with them.













(Executive Editor: Ye Ke, Xue Yi)

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11812857 Online interview: Epidemiologist Li Lanjuan gives answers for the most concerned questions from the overseas Chinese people 在线专访:李兰娟院士为海外华侨“把脉开方”! public html


There are 3.14 million returned overseas Chinese and their family members in Zhejiang Province. With the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in the world, the safety of overseas Chinese has affected many people, including epidemiologist Li Lanjuan.

Recently, Qingtian Integrated Media Center made an exclusive interview with her. Epidemiologist Li Lanjuan, who still sticks to the front line of anti-epidemic in Wuhan, answered several questions most concerned by overseas Chinese at present through a video connection.

Q: With the spread of COVID-19 abroad, how should our overseas Chinese do a good job of protection? If there are fever, cough and other suspected symptoms, how to protect and treat it?

Li Lanjuan: When you are not sick or have a fever, it is safest to stay at home. Generally speaking, patients with COVID-19 may have fever, cough, fatigue and other symptoms in the early stage. So once these symptoms appear, and have been in contact with suspected patients, we should go to the hospital for testing. You can do a throat swab sputum test to check the virus nucleic acid. If the nucleic acid test is positive, you are infected with COVID-19. But there are also some patients with fever and sore throat who may not be infected with COVID-19, may also be influenza or other reasons, so further tests are needed to confirm the diagnosis.

In the case of fever, a blood test can be carried out first. Generally, white blood cells of patients with COVID-19 will not become high. If the test results show that the white blood cells are very high, it may be due to bacterial infection. Second, you can go to the hospital for chest or lung CT. If there are inflammation and shadow in the lung, combined with the results of blood tests in which the white blood cells are not high and the lymphocytes are low, then the possibility of COVID-19 should be considered. In addition, if the nucleic acid of throat swab COVID-19 is positive, it can be diagnosed as COVID-19. For this kind of patients, it is better to go to the hospital for isolation, because we have learned a lesson in Wuhan that when we isolate at home if we don't handle it properly, it may lead to infection in the whole family.

Once diagnosed with COVID-19, it is very important to carry out antiviral treatment as early as possible to avoid severe and critical illness. Patients with mild and common diseases will recover after one or two weeks of treatment. Once converted to severe and critical illness, there will be life danger, so it is necessary to go to the hospital for treatment.


Q: Now Qingtian has been delivering Chinese medicine granules overseas. What do you think of the effect of these preparations on the prevention and treatment of COVID-19? What are your suggestions?

Li Lanjuan: In foreign countries, it's best to adopt the treatment method of combining Chinese and Western medicine. At present, many treatment methods have been recorded in our country's treatment plan. There is also traditional Chinese medicine decoction in the diagnosis and treatment plan, and the decoction used according to different conditions is also different. I suggest that patients can take traditional Chinese medicine decoction at different stages, but it's better to treat them dialectically, and then combine western medicine with antiviral treatment. In this way, the combination of Chinese and Western medicine will play a certain role in early antiviral treatment.

Q: Qingtian has opened a cloud consultation platform for overseas Chinese. What are your suggestions for this?

Li Lanjuan: This is a very important job. Overseas Chinese in Qingtian have made great contributions to our country. We should support them and help them when they are in difficulty. Whether the overseas Chinese are in Italy or Spain, we are all Chinese. They give full support to us when we are in difficulty, and we will certainly repay them when they are in difficulty! We can share the experience accumulated in this period with them.













(Executive Editor: Ye Ke, Xue Yi)
