Management standards for asymptomatic infected persons announced 新冠病毒无症状感染者管理规范,来了!

2020-04-10 08:33:37 source: Xinhua

Management Standards for Asymptomatic Infected Persons

Article I: To strengthen the detection, reporting and management of asymptomatic COVID-19 carriers, in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases and the Law of the People's Republic of China on Sanitary and Quarantine at the National Border, this practice is formulated.

Article 2: An asymptomatic patient refers to the one who has no relevant clinical symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, and others that can be self-perceived or clinically diagnosed but have a positive result in the pathogenetic test for COVID-19 in the respiratory tract. There are two types of asymptomatic carriers: those who are medically quarantined for 14 days without any self-perceiving or clinically identifiable symptoms, and those who are "asymptomatic infected" but the virus is in the incubation period.

Article 3: Asymptomatic carriers are infectious.

Article 4: Strengthen the monitoring and detection of asymptomatic carriers.

Article 5: Regulates the reporting of asymptomatic carriers.

Article 6: Enhance access to relevant information. The Health Administration of the State Council should publish the reporting, referral, and management of asymptomatic carriers on a daily basis. All provinces (districts and municipalities) should publish information on the situation in their respective administrative regions, with separate statistical reports on local transmission and imported cases.

Article 7: Strengthen the management of asymptomatic carriers.

Article 8: If asymptomatic carriers show clinical symptoms during intensive medical observation, they should be immediately transferred to designated medical institutions for standardized treatment. Once confirmed, the status of the cases should be revised in time.

Article 9: Those who have close contacts with asymptomatic carriers shall be subject to intensive medical observation for 14 days.

Article 10: Organize a group of experts to conduct rounds of visits to asymptomatic carriers under intensive medical observation to detect possible confirmed cases in a timely manner.

Article 11: Asymptomatic carriers released from intensive medical observation shall continue to be subject to medical observation and follow-up checks for 14 days. In the second and fourth weeks after being discharged from intensive medical observation, asymptomatic carriers should go to designated hospitals for follow-up checks for doctors to keep abreast of their health status.

Article 12: Intensify targeted screening and extend the detection of those who have close contacts with confirmed cases and asymptomatic carriers. Strengthen the monitoring of key areas, key groups of people and key places. The asymptomatic carriers detected should be quarantined for medical observation.

Article 13: Asymptomatic carriers are characterized by the anonymity of transmission, the subjectivity of symptoms and limitations of detection. The State gives support in conducting scientific researches on the infectiousness, transmissibility, and epidemiology of asymptomatic carriers.

Article 14: Strengthen communication and cooperation with relevant countries and international organizations including the World Health Organization to adjust medical treatment and prevention and control measures in due course.

Article 15: All regions shall step up their efforts to promote the popularization of COVID-19 related knowledge, guide the public in adopting scientific COVID-19 prevention measures, and conduct extensive training to improve the prevention and control capacity of staff at grassroots medical and health-care institutions and of community staff.


第一条 为加强对新冠病毒无症状感染者的发现、报告、管理工作,依据《中华人民共和国传染病防治法》、《中华人民共和国国境卫生检疫法》,制定本规范。

第二条 无症状感染者是指无相关临床表现,如发热、咳嗽、咽痛等可自我感知或可临床识别的症状与体征,但呼吸道等标本新冠病毒病原学检测呈阳性者。无症状感染者有两种情形:一是经14天的隔离医学观察,均无任何可自我感知或可临床识别的症状与体征;二是处于潜伏期的“无症状感染”状态。

第三条 无症状感染者具有传染性,存在着传播风险。

第四条 加强对无症状感染者的监测和发现。

第五条 规范无症状感染者的报告。

第六条 强化信息公开。国务院卫生健康行政部门每天公布无症状感染者报告、转归和管理情况。各省(区、市)公布本行政区域的情况,本土传播和境外输入情况分别统计报告。

第七条 加强对无症状感染者的管理。

第八条 无症状感染者在集中医学观察期间如出现临床表现,应当立即转运至定点医疗机构进行规范治疗,确诊后及时订正。

第九条 对无症状感染者的密切接触者,应当集中医学观察14天。

第十条 组织专家组对集中医学观察的无症状感染者进行巡诊,及时发现可能的确诊病例。

第十一条 对解除集中医学观察的无症状感染者,应当继续进行14天的医学观察、随访。解除集中医学观察后第2周和第4周要到定点医院随访复诊,及时了解其健康状况。

第十二条 有针对性加大筛查力度,将检测范围扩大至已发现病例和无症状感染者的密切接触者。做好对重点地区、重点人群、重点场所的强化监测,一旦发现无症状感染者应当集中隔离医学观察。

第十三条 无症状感染者具有传播隐匿性、症状主观性、发现局限性等特点,国家支持开展无症状感染者传染性、传播力、流行病学等科学研究。

第十四条 加强与世界卫生组织等有关国家和国际组织的信息沟通、交流合作,适时调整诊疗方案和防控方案。

第十五条 各地要加大新冠病毒知识科普宣传力度,指导公众科学防护,广泛开展培训,提高基层医疗卫生人员和社区工作人员等的防控能力和水平。

(Executive Editor: Ye Ke)

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11866914 Management standards for asymptomatic infected persons announced 新冠病毒无症状感染者管理规范,来了! public html

Management Standards for Asymptomatic Infected Persons

Article I: To strengthen the detection, reporting and management of asymptomatic COVID-19 carriers, in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases and the Law of the People's Republic of China on Sanitary and Quarantine at the National Border, this practice is formulated.

Article 2: An asymptomatic patient refers to the one who has no relevant clinical symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, and others that can be self-perceived or clinically diagnosed but have a positive result in the pathogenetic test for COVID-19 in the respiratory tract. There are two types of asymptomatic carriers: those who are medically quarantined for 14 days without any self-perceiving or clinically identifiable symptoms, and those who are "asymptomatic infected" but the virus is in the incubation period.

Article 3: Asymptomatic carriers are infectious.

Article 4: Strengthen the monitoring and detection of asymptomatic carriers.

Article 5: Regulates the reporting of asymptomatic carriers.

Article 6: Enhance access to relevant information. The Health Administration of the State Council should publish the reporting, referral, and management of asymptomatic carriers on a daily basis. All provinces (districts and municipalities) should publish information on the situation in their respective administrative regions, with separate statistical reports on local transmission and imported cases.

Article 7: Strengthen the management of asymptomatic carriers.

Article 8: If asymptomatic carriers show clinical symptoms during intensive medical observation, they should be immediately transferred to designated medical institutions for standardized treatment. Once confirmed, the status of the cases should be revised in time.

Article 9: Those who have close contacts with asymptomatic carriers shall be subject to intensive medical observation for 14 days.

Article 10: Organize a group of experts to conduct rounds of visits to asymptomatic carriers under intensive medical observation to detect possible confirmed cases in a timely manner.

Article 11: Asymptomatic carriers released from intensive medical observation shall continue to be subject to medical observation and follow-up checks for 14 days. In the second and fourth weeks after being discharged from intensive medical observation, asymptomatic carriers should go to designated hospitals for follow-up checks for doctors to keep abreast of their health status.

Article 12: Intensify targeted screening and extend the detection of those who have close contacts with confirmed cases and asymptomatic carriers. Strengthen the monitoring of key areas, key groups of people and key places. The asymptomatic carriers detected should be quarantined for medical observation.

Article 13: Asymptomatic carriers are characterized by the anonymity of transmission, the subjectivity of symptoms and limitations of detection. The State gives support in conducting scientific researches on the infectiousness, transmissibility, and epidemiology of asymptomatic carriers.

Article 14: Strengthen communication and cooperation with relevant countries and international organizations including the World Health Organization to adjust medical treatment and prevention and control measures in due course.

Article 15: All regions shall step up their efforts to promote the popularization of COVID-19 related knowledge, guide the public in adopting scientific COVID-19 prevention measures, and conduct extensive training to improve the prevention and control capacity of staff at grassroots medical and health-care institutions and of community staff.


第一条 为加强对新冠病毒无症状感染者的发现、报告、管理工作,依据《中华人民共和国传染病防治法》、《中华人民共和国国境卫生检疫法》,制定本规范。

第二条 无症状感染者是指无相关临床表现,如发热、咳嗽、咽痛等可自我感知或可临床识别的症状与体征,但呼吸道等标本新冠病毒病原学检测呈阳性者。无症状感染者有两种情形:一是经14天的隔离医学观察,均无任何可自我感知或可临床识别的症状与体征;二是处于潜伏期的“无症状感染”状态。

第三条 无症状感染者具有传染性,存在着传播风险。

第四条 加强对无症状感染者的监测和发现。

第五条 规范无症状感染者的报告。

第六条 强化信息公开。国务院卫生健康行政部门每天公布无症状感染者报告、转归和管理情况。各省(区、市)公布本行政区域的情况,本土传播和境外输入情况分别统计报告。

第七条 加强对无症状感染者的管理。

第八条 无症状感染者在集中医学观察期间如出现临床表现,应当立即转运至定点医疗机构进行规范治疗,确诊后及时订正。

第九条 对无症状感染者的密切接触者,应当集中医学观察14天。

第十条 组织专家组对集中医学观察的无症状感染者进行巡诊,及时发现可能的确诊病例。

第十一条 对解除集中医学观察的无症状感染者,应当继续进行14天的医学观察、随访。解除集中医学观察后第2周和第4周要到定点医院随访复诊,及时了解其健康状况。

第十二条 有针对性加大筛查力度,将检测范围扩大至已发现病例和无症状感染者的密切接触者。做好对重点地区、重点人群、重点场所的强化监测,一旦发现无症状感染者应当集中隔离医学观察。

第十三条 无症状感染者具有传播隐匿性、症状主观性、发现局限性等特点,国家支持开展无症状感染者传染性、传播力、流行病学等科学研究。

第十四条 加强与世界卫生组织等有关国家和国际组织的信息沟通、交流合作,适时调整诊疗方案和防控方案。

第十五条 各地要加大新冠病毒知识科普宣传力度,指导公众科学防护,广泛开展培训,提高基层医疗卫生人员和社区工作人员等的防控能力和水平。

(Executive Editor: Ye Ke)
