Zhejiang to promote the use of "health code" to track all inbound passengers 浙江:对入境来浙人员,全面推行“健康码”国际版应用

2020-03-26 09:40:34 source: Hour News


According to the head office of Zhejiang epidemic prevention and control, Zhejiang Province announced that all international arrivals must undergo 14-day centralized quarantine. In the meantime, Zhejiang is going to promote the use of "health code" to track all inbound passengers. 


(Executive Editor: Ye Ke)

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11821319 Zhejiang to promote the use of "health code" to track all inbound passengers 浙江:对入境来浙人员,全面推行“健康码”国际版应用 public html


According to the head office of Zhejiang epidemic prevention and control, Zhejiang Province announced that all international arrivals must undergo 14-day centralized quarantine. In the meantime, Zhejiang is going to promote the use of "health code" to track all inbound passengers. 


(Executive Editor: Ye Ke)

Zhejiang; health code;passengers;quarantine;announced;arrivals;epidemic;promote;undergo;prevention