The expert team from the First Affiliated Hospital of ZJU present guidance to Italian doctors in the worst-hit area in Italy 专家组在意大利疫情重灾区病房交流指导

2020-03-23 08:21:00 source: 浙大一院


On March 20, Chinese expert groups sent to Italy both went on their own missions. Clinical treatment expert group, led by Qui Yunqing, the group leader and the executive vice-president of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University, communicated with the Italian medical staff on the treatment technique and the measures of prevention and went into the wards to get hold of the up-to-date information.

At 9 a.m., the expert group left the hotel, bring full sets of personal to protect materials. After over one hour of drive, they arrived at Giovanni XXIII Hospital, the biggest and most advanced hospital in the city and the major hospital for treating COVID-19 patients, in the city of Bergamo, the most infected city in Italy.


Giovanni XXIII Hospital had already taken in over 900 COVID-19 patients, 440 patients were still in the hospital. The hospital focused on COVID-19 treatments. The general outpatient departments have been closed. Only emergency surgical and cardiac outpatient departments were open. The hospital was planning to change into a specialized hospital for COVID-19 patients. All the patients were waiting to be transferred by the Lombardia government.


Learning the visiting of China's expert group, medical experts in Giovanni XXIII Hospital had been waiting in the conference room, eager to communicate with the Chinese experts.



"We are very grateful to Italian people for helping us out in the early stages of COVID-19. Now it only makes sense for us to come here and help when Italy is having a hard time with COVID-19." Professor Qui Yunqing said, "Now, China has achieved stage victory after a hard time, daily new case number has been zero. This is due to the Chinese government and people's scientific and joint efforts of strict prevention and control measures. Our experience is early detection, early diagnosis, early isolation, and early treatment. We are willing to share all of our experiences and even our lessons. We have compiled The Manual for COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment - the Clinical Experience of The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University as a reference, translated into many languages by Jack Ma Foundation and Alibaba DAMO Academy for discovery, adventure, momentum, and outlook." 


The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University is a major hospital for COVID-19 patients, with rich experience in treating severe and critical cases. Both parties discussed thoroughly the prevention, diagnostic and treatment of COVID-19.


After the discussion, the expert group came to the infectious ward on the 3rd floor of the hospital to check for the treatment of the COVID-19 patients, the working status of the medical staff and the control measures of hospital infection protection. This is the front line of the epidemic, with the greatest risk of infection.


48 beds in the infectious diseases unit of Giovanni XXIII Hospital were all filled with COVID-19 patients. Though there were no strict measures such as "three areas and two channels", the medical staff worked under the relatively simple infection protection conditions.


The expert group had in-depth exchanges with the medical staff in the ward on the treatment of patients, non-invasive ventilation equipment, medicine delivery system, etc., and made it clear to the nurses in the wards of nosocomial infection. The Italian medical staff appreciated the professional protection, perfect details, and professionalism of the expert group.


Leaving the isolation wards, the expert group was deeply touched by how devoted their Italian peers were: "It's not easy for them to work overtime under such simple conditions of nosocomial infection protection. I hope the materials and experience brought by us could be helpful!"


上午9点,专家组一行带上全套个人防护物资,从驻地酒店出发,一个多小时的车程后,他们抵达目前意大利疫情最严重的伦巴第大区的贝加莫市,进入当地的Giovanni XXIII医院,这是贝加莫最大最先进的医院,也是当地收治新冠肺炎患者的主要医院。


Giovanni XXIII医院已累计收治新冠肺炎患者900余例,目前住院440例。医院目前以收治新冠肺炎患者为主,普通门诊已关闭,仅开放紧急外科和心脏科门诊。医院计划改建为集中收治新冠肺炎患者的专科医院,目前住院的其他病人正在等待伦巴第大区政府安排转移至其他医院。


得知中国专家组的到来,Giovanni XXIII医院的医疗专家们早已等候在会议室里,迫不及待地想要“取经”。








Giovanni XXIII医院感染科病区的48张床位全部收满了新冠肺炎患者,虽然是感染科病房,但这里并没有严格的“三区两通道”,医护人员在比较简陋的院感防护条件下工作。






(Executive Editor: Ye Ke, Shang Ruofei)

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11808720 The expert team from the First Affiliated Hospital of ZJU present guidance to Italian doctors in the worst-hit area in Italy 专家组在意大利疫情重灾区病房交流指导 public html


On March 20, Chinese expert groups sent to Italy both went on their own missions. Clinical treatment expert group, led by Qui Yunqing, the group leader and the executive vice-president of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University, communicated with the Italian medical staff on the treatment technique and the measures of prevention and went into the wards to get hold of the up-to-date information.

At 9 a.m., the expert group left the hotel, bring full sets of personal to protect materials. After over one hour of drive, they arrived at Giovanni XXIII Hospital, the biggest and most advanced hospital in the city and the major hospital for treating COVID-19 patients, in the city of Bergamo, the most infected city in Italy.


Giovanni XXIII Hospital had already taken in over 900 COVID-19 patients, 440 patients were still in the hospital. The hospital focused on COVID-19 treatments. The general outpatient departments have been closed. Only emergency surgical and cardiac outpatient departments were open. The hospital was planning to change into a specialized hospital for COVID-19 patients. All the patients were waiting to be transferred by the Lombardia government.


Learning the visiting of China's expert group, medical experts in Giovanni XXIII Hospital had been waiting in the conference room, eager to communicate with the Chinese experts.



"We are very grateful to Italian people for helping us out in the early stages of COVID-19. Now it only makes sense for us to come here and help when Italy is having a hard time with COVID-19." Professor Qui Yunqing said, "Now, China has achieved stage victory after a hard time, daily new case number has been zero. This is due to the Chinese government and people's scientific and joint efforts of strict prevention and control measures. Our experience is early detection, early diagnosis, early isolation, and early treatment. We are willing to share all of our experiences and even our lessons. We have compiled The Manual for COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment - the Clinical Experience of The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University as a reference, translated into many languages by Jack Ma Foundation and Alibaba DAMO Academy for discovery, adventure, momentum, and outlook." 


The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University is a major hospital for COVID-19 patients, with rich experience in treating severe and critical cases. Both parties discussed thoroughly the prevention, diagnostic and treatment of COVID-19.


After the discussion, the expert group came to the infectious ward on the 3rd floor of the hospital to check for the treatment of the COVID-19 patients, the working status of the medical staff and the control measures of hospital infection protection. This is the front line of the epidemic, with the greatest risk of infection.


48 beds in the infectious diseases unit of Giovanni XXIII Hospital were all filled with COVID-19 patients. Though there were no strict measures such as "three areas and two channels", the medical staff worked under the relatively simple infection protection conditions.


The expert group had in-depth exchanges with the medical staff in the ward on the treatment of patients, non-invasive ventilation equipment, medicine delivery system, etc., and made it clear to the nurses in the wards of nosocomial infection. The Italian medical staff appreciated the professional protection, perfect details, and professionalism of the expert group.


Leaving the isolation wards, the expert group was deeply touched by how devoted their Italian peers were: "It's not easy for them to work overtime under such simple conditions of nosocomial infection protection. I hope the materials and experience brought by us could be helpful!"


上午9点,专家组一行带上全套个人防护物资,从驻地酒店出发,一个多小时的车程后,他们抵达目前意大利疫情最严重的伦巴第大区的贝加莫市,进入当地的Giovanni XXIII医院,这是贝加莫最大最先进的医院,也是当地收治新冠肺炎患者的主要医院。


Giovanni XXIII医院已累计收治新冠肺炎患者900余例,目前住院440例。医院目前以收治新冠肺炎患者为主,普通门诊已关闭,仅开放紧急外科和心脏科门诊。医院计划改建为集中收治新冠肺炎患者的专科医院,目前住院的其他病人正在等待伦巴第大区政府安排转移至其他医院。


得知中国专家组的到来,Giovanni XXIII医院的医疗专家们早已等候在会议室里,迫不及待地想要“取经”。








Giovanni XXIII医院感染科病区的48张床位全部收满了新冠肺炎患者,虽然是感染科病房,但这里并没有严格的“三区两通道”,医护人员在比较简陋的院感防护条件下工作。






(Executive Editor: Ye Ke, Shang Ruofei)
