Professor Calls for Restoring Taoist Temple in Hangzhou 洞霄名宫 凡间琼馆

2019-08-23 10:46:36 source: 《文化交流》:牧林铨









  展现在人们视野里的标志性建筑是一座石碑坊,石碑正上方的“九峰拱秀” 四个隶体字,刚劲有力,两旁还有“文官下轿,武将下马”的字样。毗邻的淙淙溪流沿公路蜿蜒而上。





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  传说天有八柱,三柱在中国,而三柱中的一柱,就在这北纬30度与东经120度交点处的大柱山。汉崇尚道教,元封三年(前108年)汉武帝刘彻在大涤山中峰下大涤洞洞口建宫坛祭天求神,投龙简祈福,使这里成为道教祖庭。唐弘道元年(683年)奉敕建天柱观。后乾宁二年(895年),钱缪改建,规模更为宏大。至北宋大中祥符五年(1012年) 宋真宗赐改名洞霄宫。天圣四年(1026),诏道院详定天下名山洞府凡二十处,杭州洞霄宫大涤洞为第五。从汉设坛,唐改观,到宋真宗改宫,脉络清晰。


























  Professor Calls for Restoring Taoist Temple in Hangzhou


Professor Pang Xuequan with Zhejiang University is definitely the go-to person in Zhejiang Province to talk about the Dongxiao Temple in Hangzhou. The Taoist sanctuary has long faded into oblivion and no people in Hangzhou know it better than does the professor.


In recent years, the professor has visited the ruins of the temple three times and called for bringing the Taoist glory back on many occasions.


The ruins of the temple are in the Dadi Mountain about 35 kilometers west of the city proper of Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang Province. The temple compound was located in a basin surrounded by the wooded peaks on four sides. There is only one road that leads to the basin. A stone bridge on that road is said to be more than 800 years old. The site of ruins measures about 67,000 square meters.



The history of the temple presumably dates back to more than 2,000 years ago. Unofficial history claims that a Taoist altar was built there in 108BC. In 683AD, a Taoist temple was erected on the site of the altar under an imperial decree and it was called Tianzhu Temple. In 895AD, the temple was expanded by Qian Liu, a regional warlord and later the king of Wuyue Kingdom (907-978). In 1012, Emperor Zhenzong of the Northern Song (960-1127) changed its original name to the Dongxiao Temple. In 1026, the Dongxiao Temple was named number five of top 20 Taoist sacred places in China. When Hangzhou became the capital of the Southern Song (1127-1279), the Dongxiao Temple embraced its gold age. Three emperors of the dynasty visited the temple. Some spent at least a night there. Some wrote inscriptions for the temple.


At a time during this gold age, the temple had three thousand Taoist monks living there and ten dining rooms catered to them. In the Southern Song, the Dongxiao Temple was considered the most important Taoist sanctuary in China. For centuries, the temple was a national sacred destination for Taoist pilgrims.


Favored by the royal house of the Southern Song, the temple offered sinecures to quite a few retired high-ranking officials. Professor Pang has counted at least 74 court ministers and 104 other high-ranking officials who took nominal jobs there and got paid handsomely.


Naturally, the Dongxiao Temple attracted the attention of the poets of the Song Dynasty. Su Shi, Lu You, Fan Chengda, Pan Lang, and Lin Bu, just to name a few of the best known poets of the dynasty, visited the temple and wrote poems. It is said that there are 3,000 poems about the Taoist sanctuary left over from the past dynasties.


Deng Mu (1247-1306), a scholar of the Southern Song, wrote a special book about the Dongxiao Temple. The book not only describes the temple in great detail but also records scenic highlights around the Dadi Mountain and beyond. It is said that Deng Mu himself spent his twilight years at the temple.


Memories of the temple in history are still kept alive in some ancient books.  In addition to the book by Deng Mu of the Song Dynasty, there are also some other important books written in or after the Song Dynasty that contribute a large space to the description of the Taoist monastery. In the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), someone wrote a history of the Dongxiao Temple. Yuhang County Annals printed in the Qing Dynasty also mentions the temple.


From the Northern Song to the Southern Song, the temple was destroyed at least twice and underwent three restorations. The most important restoration project lasted about 30 years, with funds from the royal house. The temple went down in a fire in 1751. No restoration project has ever been adopted since then. The vast basin in the mountain remains empty, though visitors can still see some rubble and some porcelain shards here and there on the empty ground.


Professor Pang has a long way to go before the Taoist glory has a real chance to be brought back from yesteryears into today and future. For example, though Deng Mu’s book describes the temple in great detail, no construction plans come down from history to give modern architects a rough idea how all those buildings should look like and where they should stand respectively on the large compound.

  (Translated by Pang Xinyi)


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10870000 Professor Calls for Restoring Taoist Temple in Hangzhou 洞霄名宫 凡间琼馆 public html









  展现在人们视野里的标志性建筑是一座石碑坊,石碑正上方的“九峰拱秀” 四个隶体字,刚劲有力,两旁还有“文官下轿,武将下马”的字样。毗邻的淙淙溪流沿公路蜿蜒而上。





8 (2).jpg

  传说天有八柱,三柱在中国,而三柱中的一柱,就在这北纬30度与东经120度交点处的大柱山。汉崇尚道教,元封三年(前108年)汉武帝刘彻在大涤山中峰下大涤洞洞口建宫坛祭天求神,投龙简祈福,使这里成为道教祖庭。唐弘道元年(683年)奉敕建天柱观。后乾宁二年(895年),钱缪改建,规模更为宏大。至北宋大中祥符五年(1012年) 宋真宗赐改名洞霄宫。天圣四年(1026),诏道院详定天下名山洞府凡二十处,杭州洞霄宫大涤洞为第五。从汉设坛,唐改观,到宋真宗改宫,脉络清晰。


























  Professor Calls for Restoring Taoist Temple in Hangzhou


Professor Pang Xuequan with Zhejiang University is definitely the go-to person in Zhejiang Province to talk about the Dongxiao Temple in Hangzhou. The Taoist sanctuary has long faded into oblivion and no people in Hangzhou know it better than does the professor.


In recent years, the professor has visited the ruins of the temple three times and called for bringing the Taoist glory back on many occasions.


The ruins of the temple are in the Dadi Mountain about 35 kilometers west of the city proper of Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang Province. The temple compound was located in a basin surrounded by the wooded peaks on four sides. There is only one road that leads to the basin. A stone bridge on that road is said to be more than 800 years old. The site of ruins measures about 67,000 square meters.



The history of the temple presumably dates back to more than 2,000 years ago. Unofficial history claims that a Taoist altar was built there in 108BC. In 683AD, a Taoist temple was erected on the site of the altar under an imperial decree and it was called Tianzhu Temple. In 895AD, the temple was expanded by Qian Liu, a regional warlord and later the king of Wuyue Kingdom (907-978). In 1012, Emperor Zhenzong of the Northern Song (960-1127) changed its original name to the Dongxiao Temple. In 1026, the Dongxiao Temple was named number five of top 20 Taoist sacred places in China. When Hangzhou became the capital of the Southern Song (1127-1279), the Dongxiao Temple embraced its gold age. Three emperors of the dynasty visited the temple. Some spent at least a night there. Some wrote inscriptions for the temple.


At a time during this gold age, the temple had three thousand Taoist monks living there and ten dining rooms catered to them. In the Southern Song, the Dongxiao Temple was considered the most important Taoist sanctuary in China. For centuries, the temple was a national sacred destination for Taoist pilgrims.


Favored by the royal house of the Southern Song, the temple offered sinecures to quite a few retired high-ranking officials. Professor Pang has counted at least 74 court ministers and 104 other high-ranking officials who took nominal jobs there and got paid handsomely.


Naturally, the Dongxiao Temple attracted the attention of the poets of the Song Dynasty. Su Shi, Lu You, Fan Chengda, Pan Lang, and Lin Bu, just to name a few of the best known poets of the dynasty, visited the temple and wrote poems. It is said that there are 3,000 poems about the Taoist sanctuary left over from the past dynasties.


Deng Mu (1247-1306), a scholar of the Southern Song, wrote a special book about the Dongxiao Temple. The book not only describes the temple in great detail but also records scenic highlights around the Dadi Mountain and beyond. It is said that Deng Mu himself spent his twilight years at the temple.


Memories of the temple in history are still kept alive in some ancient books.  In addition to the book by Deng Mu of the Song Dynasty, there are also some other important books written in or after the Song Dynasty that contribute a large space to the description of the Taoist monastery. In the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), someone wrote a history of the Dongxiao Temple. Yuhang County Annals printed in the Qing Dynasty also mentions the temple.


From the Northern Song to the Southern Song, the temple was destroyed at least twice and underwent three restorations. The most important restoration project lasted about 30 years, with funds from the royal house. The temple went down in a fire in 1751. No restoration project has ever been adopted since then. The vast basin in the mountain remains empty, though visitors can still see some rubble and some porcelain shards here and there on the empty ground.


Professor Pang has a long way to go before the Taoist glory has a real chance to be brought back from yesteryears into today and future. For example, though Deng Mu’s book describes the temple in great detail, no construction plans come down from history to give modern architects a rough idea how all those buildings should look like and where they should stand respectively on the large compound.

  (Translated by Pang Xinyi)

