French artist Rémy Aron: I fell in love with China at first sight

2024-04-30 09:40:03 source: InZhejiang

Rémy Aron, chairman of the French Fine Arts Association, has captivated many recently with his personal review exhibition at an art center by the West Lake in Hangzhou, East China's Zhejiang province.

When Aron first visited China 20 years ago, he fell deeply in love with it. 

"It was like falling in love," he said, adding that his admiration for Chinese culture has grown over the years.

Aron described China as his "second cultural and artistic home", and each visit brings new discoveries and enriches his understanding of the country.

As China and France celebrate their 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations this year, Aron emphasized the significance of this milestone. 

"The 60th anniversary is important in traditional Chinese culture, symbolizing renewal and rejuvenation," said Aron, "I hope the relationship between China and France is built on trust, friendship, and mutual understanding."

Reporter: Lan Zhen, Yang Xiaoxuan

Editor: Cheng Dengyu

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Rémy Aron, chairman of the French Fine Arts Association, has captivated many recently with his personal review exhibition at an art center by the West Lake in Hangzhou, East China's Zhejiang province.

When Aron first visited China 20 years ago, he fell deeply in love with it. 

"It was like falling in love," he said, adding that his admiration for Chinese culture has grown over the years.

Aron described China as his "second cultural and artistic home", and each visit brings new discoveries and enriches his understanding of the country.

As China and France celebrate their 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations this year, Aron emphasized the significance of this milestone. 

"The 60th anniversary is important in traditional Chinese culture, symbolizing renewal and rejuvenation," said Aron, "I hope the relationship between China and France is built on trust, friendship, and mutual understanding."

Reporter: Lan Zhen, Yang Xiaoxuan

Editor: Cheng Dengyu
