Tips on dietary habits and immunity enhancement amid COVID-19 outbreak 疫情期间提高免疫力,饮食有讲究

2020-04-07 07:45:12 source: Zhejiang Federation of Overseas Returned Chinese

No.1 Choose some potato food to staple food

Food such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, purple potatoes, yams, and taro are rich in vitamin C, vitamin B1, potassium, dietary fiber and mucin which promotes immune activity. They can improve immunity and compare with rice and white noodles, they provide less energy, and the dietary fiber they contain makes people feel full, prolong stomach emptying time so that people won’t feel hungry easily.


No2. Ensure quality protein intake

It is recommended to eat one egg, 40-75g of livestock meat, 40-75g of seafood, 300g of milk or yogurt, 100g of tofu or 400ml of soy milk. Do not consume fatty meat, meat skin, and cream. Adopt the cooking methods of steaming, boiling and stewing to reduce the intake of cooking oil.


No3. Increase the moderate intake of vegetable

Consume 300-500g of vegetables every day. Vegetables are rich in dietary fiber, which can control total energy intake. It is recommended to consume dark green vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, kale and lettuce, which are rich in folic acid necessary for the synthesis of immune substances.

No4. Moderate fruit intake

Consume 200-350g of fruit every day. Do not eat too much fruit because they are rich in sugar and excessive intake will increase the total energy intake and cause obesity. Fresh fruit is preferable instead of dried fruit. It is recommended to consume fruits rich in vitamin C, such as strawberries, oranges, and kiwifruit, to improve immunity. It is important to clean them up before eating.


No5. Avoid the intake of snacks rich in fat, sugar, and salt, and drinks rich in sugar

Do not eat too many packaged snacks such as pastries, cookies, chips, and spicy strips, and do not eat too many nuts because, for one thing, they will lead to excessive intake of energy which will be converted into fat, and for another, they will increase the risk of various chronic diseases.


No6. Do exercises moderately

Since outdoor exercises are limited, it is recommended to do exercises at home for more than 30 minutes every day until you are sweaty.


No7. Stay in a good mood and get enough sleep

Excessive anxiety and lack of sleep affect immunity. Please keep a calm mind.

No.1 适当选择薯类食物代替一部分主食



No2. 保证优质蛋白质的摄入



No3. 适当增加蔬菜摄入

每日摄入蔬菜300-500g, 蔬菜中的膳食纤维含量丰富,可帮助控制总能量摄入。建议可多选择西兰花、菠菜、芥蓝、莴笋的深绿色蔬菜,这些蔬菜中含有丰富的叶酸,叶酸是免疫物质合成所必须的因子。


No4. 水果摄入要适量



No5. 避免高脂、高糖、高盐的零食及含糖饮料的摄入


No6. 适当增加运动



No7. 保持心情愉悦及充足睡眠


(Executive Editor: Ye Ke)

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11855508 Tips on dietary habits and immunity enhancement amid COVID-19 outbreak 疫情期间提高免疫力,饮食有讲究 public html

No.1 Choose some potato food to staple food

Food such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, purple potatoes, yams, and taro are rich in vitamin C, vitamin B1, potassium, dietary fiber and mucin which promotes immune activity. They can improve immunity and compare with rice and white noodles, they provide less energy, and the dietary fiber they contain makes people feel full, prolong stomach emptying time so that people won’t feel hungry easily.


No2. Ensure quality protein intake

It is recommended to eat one egg, 40-75g of livestock meat, 40-75g of seafood, 300g of milk or yogurt, 100g of tofu or 400ml of soy milk. Do not consume fatty meat, meat skin, and cream. Adopt the cooking methods of steaming, boiling and stewing to reduce the intake of cooking oil.


No3. Increase the moderate intake of vegetable

Consume 300-500g of vegetables every day. Vegetables are rich in dietary fiber, which can control total energy intake. It is recommended to consume dark green vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, kale and lettuce, which are rich in folic acid necessary for the synthesis of immune substances.

No4. Moderate fruit intake

Consume 200-350g of fruit every day. Do not eat too much fruit because they are rich in sugar and excessive intake will increase the total energy intake and cause obesity. Fresh fruit is preferable instead of dried fruit. It is recommended to consume fruits rich in vitamin C, such as strawberries, oranges, and kiwifruit, to improve immunity. It is important to clean them up before eating.


No5. Avoid the intake of snacks rich in fat, sugar, and salt, and drinks rich in sugar

Do not eat too many packaged snacks such as pastries, cookies, chips, and spicy strips, and do not eat too many nuts because, for one thing, they will lead to excessive intake of energy which will be converted into fat, and for another, they will increase the risk of various chronic diseases.


No6. Do exercises moderately

Since outdoor exercises are limited, it is recommended to do exercises at home for more than 30 minutes every day until you are sweaty.


No7. Stay in a good mood and get enough sleep

Excessive anxiety and lack of sleep affect immunity. Please keep a calm mind.

No.1 适当选择薯类食物代替一部分主食



No2. 保证优质蛋白质的摄入



No3. 适当增加蔬菜摄入

每日摄入蔬菜300-500g, 蔬菜中的膳食纤维含量丰富,可帮助控制总能量摄入。建议可多选择西兰花、菠菜、芥蓝、莴笋的深绿色蔬菜,这些蔬菜中含有丰富的叶酸,叶酸是免疫物质合成所必须的因子。


No4. 水果摄入要适量



No5. 避免高脂、高糖、高盐的零食及含糖饮料的摄入


No6. 适当增加运动



No7. 保持心情愉悦及充足睡眠


(Executive Editor: Ye Ke)
