How did a Spanish expat spend his Chinese New Year holiday in Zhejiang?

2021-02-28 20:08:03 source: Qingtian

How did a Spanish expat spend his time during the past Chinese New Year holiday in Zhejiang?  This year, Ma Lulu from Spain stayed in Qingtian for the Chinese New Year. In order to express his gratitude for his encounter with Qingtian, he prepared a "New Year's Eve Dinner" with a Spanish vibe for friends in Qingtian on New Year's Eve. Let's check this video!

(Edited by Ye Ke)

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22177578 How did a Spanish expat spend his Chinese New Year holiday in Zhejiang? public html

How did a Spanish expat spend his time during the past Chinese New Year holiday in Zhejiang?  This year, Ma Lulu from Spain stayed in Qingtian for the Chinese New Year. In order to express his gratitude for his encounter with Qingtian, he prepared a "New Year's Eve Dinner" with a Spanish vibe for friends in Qingtian on New Year's Eve. Let's check this video!

(Edited by Ye Ke)
