【Asian Games, Global Vision】Asian Games Athletes Hope Taijiquan and Wushu Can Become Official Olympic sports

2023-09-25 17:32:22 source: InZhejiang

On September 24, the 19th Asian Games Women's Taijiquan Final was held at Guali Sports Centre in Xiaoshan. Athletes from Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore and Japan said they enjoyed Taiji and Wushu sports so much that they hoped it could become an official Olympic sport and looked forward to participating in the Olympic Games.

Video: Tide News

Editor: Tan Qikuan

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26260959 【Asian Games, Global Vision】Asian Games Athletes Hope Taijiquan and Wushu Can Become Official Olympic sports public html

On September 24, the 19th Asian Games Women's Taijiquan Final was held at Guali Sports Centre in Xiaoshan. Athletes from Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore and Japan said they enjoyed Taiji and Wushu sports so much that they hoped it could become an official Olympic sport and looked forward to participating in the Olympic Games.

Video: Tide News

Editor: Tan Qikuan
