Zhejiang Provincial Government Work Report: Escort the word 'stability' with 'three efforts'

2022-01-19 16:13:12 source: Chinanews.com



On the 17th, the sixth session of the 13th National People's Congress of Zhejiang Province opened in Hangzhou. Wang Hao, acting governor of Zhejiang Province, proposed "three ways to do everything" in his government work report: do everything possible. Benefit and help enterprises, fully stimulate the vitality of market players; do everything possible to expand effective investment, activate residents' consumption, and enhance endogenous power and development potential; do everything possible to stabilize foreign trade and foreign investment, and promote high-level opening up.


The Central Economic Work Conference held a few days ago set the tone: stability is at the forefront, and progress is made while maintaining stability.

The Economic Work Conference of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee put forward the requirements of "stabilizing progress and improving quality".

The reporter noticed that a few days before the two sessions of Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Province issued the "5+4" policy system for steady progress and quality improvement, that is, expanding effective investment, reducing burdens and strengthening enterprises, scientific and technological innovation, stabilizing foreign trade, stabilizing foreign investment, promoting consumption, and ensuring people's livelihood. Five Policy Packages", and the "Four Elements List" of finance, resources, finance and energy, in order to promote the steady improvement in quality and reasonable growth of the economy.


Looking at this year's Zhejiang Provincial Government Work Report, there is a lot of space in the report focusing on "stabilizing progress and improving quality", and intensively releasing policy guidance for stable growth.

"Three pressures of demand contraction, supply shock, and weakening expectations are manifesting in Zhejiang to varying degrees." Wang Hao said that we must firmly grasp the requirements of steady progress and quality improvement, risk elimination and security, and shape changes.


In this context, the importance of "three by all means" has become increasingly prominent.


The first is to do everything possible to benefit and help enterprises, and fully stimulate the vitality of market players.


It is mentioned in the report that it is necessary to replace market entities with "real money and silver" and focus on moving forward. In accordance with the principle of "first time + top discounts", we will promote various policies to directly enjoy fast enjoyment and make efforts as soon as possible, and strive to reduce the burden on market entities. 300 billion yuan.


It is worth noting that the amount of burden reduction in 2022 will be higher than that in 2021. In 2021, Zhejiang will fully implement various preferential policies for enterprises, implement tax reduction and fee reduction, and directly reduce the burden on enterprises by more than 250 billion yuan in 2021. Yuan.


In addition, the report also mentioned that it is necessary to inject more financial vitality into market players, implement policies to stimulate the vitality of market players with financial support, and ensure that the supply of funds is effectively matched and reasonably sufficient.

It is necessary to create a first-class business environment, comprehensively promote minimal approval and licensing, facilitate registration, and accelerate the realization of "zero intervention, zero materials, zero fees, and zero running" in the registration of commercial entities.


The second is to do everything possible to expand effective investment, activate residents' consumption, and enhance endogenous power and development potential.


In the expansion of the effective investment policy package in the "5+4" policy system for steady progress and quality improvement, Zhejiang will introduce 20 policies to expand effective investment and implement the "1+9" action of optimizing the structure and expanding investment.

It is reported that in 2022, the province will arrange a total of 843 major projects, with a planned investment of more than 1 trillion yuan, to stabilize the investment "basic market".


The report pointed out that in 2022, it is necessary to focus on the construction of major projects, take the construction of major projects as the starting point, implement the "1+9" action of optimizing the structure and expanding investment, expand effective investment, optimize investment structure, improve investment efficiency, and achieve effective investment growth. around 6%.

The focus is to implement a number of major industrial projects, implement a number of major infrastructure projects, implement a number of major urban construction and renovation projects, and implement a number of major livelihood projects.

In addition, it is necessary to promote the consumption of new energy vehicles, carry out green smart home appliances to the countryside and trade in old ones for new ones, and increase community commercial facilities and other measures to activate residents' consumption.


The third is to do everything possible to stabilize foreign trade and foreign investment and promote high-level opening up.


Zhejiang is a big open province, and the total foreign trade import and export volume has jumped to third place in the country.

In 2022, the report proposes to seize the major opportunities of RCEP implementation, guide enterprises to make good use of rules such as zero tariffs, implement policies such as export tax rebates and export credits, and implement new formats such as cross-border e-commerce and overseas warehouses.

In addition, it is necessary to comprehensively optimize foreign investment services, strive to use 18 billion U.S. dollars of foreign capital, and give better play to the important role of foreign capital in technological innovation and industrial transformation and upgrading.


In terms of in-depth participation in the development of the Belt and Road Initiative, the report proposes that in 2022, we will support the innovative development of the China-CEEC Economic and Trade Cooperation Demonstration Zone, implement the three-year action plan for the "Silk Road Pilot", and optimize the layout of overseas economic and trade cooperation zones. Strengthen the construction of international industrial cooperation parks, strengthen the risk prevention and control of overseas projects, enhance the influence of the "Yi-Xin-Europe" China-Europe freight train, and strive to create a gathering center for China-Europe freight trains in the Yangtze River Delta.


"Stable progress and quality improvement", Zhejiang has recently released positive signals and confidence, and the journey of high-quality economic development has started again.

Editor: Zhou Xunnan

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On the 17th, the sixth session of the 13th National People's Congress of Zhejiang Province opened in Hangzhou. Wang Hao, acting governor of Zhejiang Province, proposed "three ways to do everything" in his government work report: do everything possible. Benefit and help enterprises, fully stimulate the vitality of market players; do everything possible to expand effective investment, activate residents' consumption, and enhance endogenous power and development potential; do everything possible to stabilize foreign trade and foreign investment, and promote high-level opening up.


The Central Economic Work Conference held a few days ago set the tone: stability is at the forefront, and progress is made while maintaining stability.

The Economic Work Conference of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee put forward the requirements of "stabilizing progress and improving quality".

The reporter noticed that a few days before the two sessions of Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Province issued the "5+4" policy system for steady progress and quality improvement, that is, expanding effective investment, reducing burdens and strengthening enterprises, scientific and technological innovation, stabilizing foreign trade, stabilizing foreign investment, promoting consumption, and ensuring people's livelihood. Five Policy Packages", and the "Four Elements List" of finance, resources, finance and energy, in order to promote the steady improvement in quality and reasonable growth of the economy.


Looking at this year's Zhejiang Provincial Government Work Report, there is a lot of space in the report focusing on "stabilizing progress and improving quality", and intensively releasing policy guidance for stable growth.

"Three pressures of demand contraction, supply shock, and weakening expectations are manifesting in Zhejiang to varying degrees." Wang Hao said that we must firmly grasp the requirements of steady progress and quality improvement, risk elimination and security, and shape changes.


In this context, the importance of "three by all means" has become increasingly prominent.


The first is to do everything possible to benefit and help enterprises, and fully stimulate the vitality of market players.


It is mentioned in the report that it is necessary to replace market entities with "real money and silver" and focus on moving forward. In accordance with the principle of "first time + top discounts", we will promote various policies to directly enjoy fast enjoyment and make efforts as soon as possible, and strive to reduce the burden on market entities. 300 billion yuan.


It is worth noting that the amount of burden reduction in 2022 will be higher than that in 2021. In 2021, Zhejiang will fully implement various preferential policies for enterprises, implement tax reduction and fee reduction, and directly reduce the burden on enterprises by more than 250 billion yuan in 2021. Yuan.


In addition, the report also mentioned that it is necessary to inject more financial vitality into market players, implement policies to stimulate the vitality of market players with financial support, and ensure that the supply of funds is effectively matched and reasonably sufficient.

It is necessary to create a first-class business environment, comprehensively promote minimal approval and licensing, facilitate registration, and accelerate the realization of "zero intervention, zero materials, zero fees, and zero running" in the registration of commercial entities.


The second is to do everything possible to expand effective investment, activate residents' consumption, and enhance endogenous power and development potential.


In the expansion of the effective investment policy package in the "5+4" policy system for steady progress and quality improvement, Zhejiang will introduce 20 policies to expand effective investment and implement the "1+9" action of optimizing the structure and expanding investment.

It is reported that in 2022, the province will arrange a total of 843 major projects, with a planned investment of more than 1 trillion yuan, to stabilize the investment "basic market".


The report pointed out that in 2022, it is necessary to focus on the construction of major projects, take the construction of major projects as the starting point, implement the "1+9" action of optimizing the structure and expanding investment, expand effective investment, optimize investment structure, improve investment efficiency, and achieve effective investment growth. around 6%.

The focus is to implement a number of major industrial projects, implement a number of major infrastructure projects, implement a number of major urban construction and renovation projects, and implement a number of major livelihood projects.

In addition, it is necessary to promote the consumption of new energy vehicles, carry out green smart home appliances to the countryside and trade in old ones for new ones, and increase community commercial facilities and other measures to activate residents' consumption.


The third is to do everything possible to stabilize foreign trade and foreign investment and promote high-level opening up.


Zhejiang is a big open province, and the total foreign trade import and export volume has jumped to third place in the country.

In 2022, the report proposes to seize the major opportunities of RCEP implementation, guide enterprises to make good use of rules such as zero tariffs, implement policies such as export tax rebates and export credits, and implement new formats such as cross-border e-commerce and overseas warehouses.

In addition, it is necessary to comprehensively optimize foreign investment services, strive to use 18 billion U.S. dollars of foreign capital, and give better play to the important role of foreign capital in technological innovation and industrial transformation and upgrading.


In terms of in-depth participation in the development of the Belt and Road Initiative, the report proposes that in 2022, we will support the innovative development of the China-CEEC Economic and Trade Cooperation Demonstration Zone, implement the three-year action plan for the "Silk Road Pilot", and optimize the layout of overseas economic and trade cooperation zones. Strengthen the construction of international industrial cooperation parks, strengthen the risk prevention and control of overseas projects, enhance the influence of the "Yi-Xin-Europe" China-Europe freight train, and strive to create a gathering center for China-Europe freight trains in the Yangtze River Delta.


"Stable progress and quality improvement", Zhejiang has recently released positive signals and confidence, and the journey of high-quality economic development has started again.

Editor: Zhou Xunnan
