International students at Wenzhou Medical University gave free online tutorial classes to children of medical workers on the frontline 温医大留学生为医务人员子女提供线上辅导

2020-03-31 08:11:13 source: Wenzhou Medical University

 “I see that China is doing its utmost to help other countries fight the epidemic. As an international student studying in China, I will also do something for respectable white angels and this country." Since February 11th, 13 international students coming from South Africa, Nepal, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, and other countries, studying at Wenzhou Medical University have joined the online free-tutoring program named "Classes during the epidemic". They have provided children of front-line medical workers (who are called “heroes in harm’s way”) in Wenzhou to solve their worries.



Khandice, a girl coming from Dominica, is one of the student volunteers. Knowing that the school is in need of volunteers to teach spoken English, she sent her application immediately to her teacher. By saying that “Any time I need help, Chinese people are always patient with me and trying to understand me”, she wanted to take this opportunity to do something for China. "The only thing I thought is about trying my best to take care of these children." In order to meet the language learning needs of children of different ages, and improve learning efficiency, she often prepares lessons late at night. Although the process was hard, she felt satisfied by doing her bit for the front-line medical workers in this way.


Salome is a Zimbabwean volunteer among the first batch participating in the program, who helped children of members of the first batch of Zhejiang medical team providing aid to Hubei (including Zhang Lehui, the child of Ma Ping, Nurse in charge of Respiratory Department, Second Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University) with their studies. “When I was explaining various jobs to the children, little Lehui asked me, ‘Salome, my mom is a doctor, why she is always away from home?’” which left Salome a deep impression, when she felt that the little boy missed his mom so much on his face. Since his parents could not accompany him by his side due to the epidemic, he often wrote postcards to express his missing and wishes for the day of the family reunion. Ma Ping wrote on her protective suit that “Be brave, my son, I love you!” Such simple words demonstrated greatness and dedication of “sacrificing a family for the whole public”. Salome explained patiently to the little boy about the mission and responsibility of medical workers of curing and saving lives. During another class shortly after, Lehui, the little boy who could not understand why his parents could not accompany him by his side, suddenly told her that, “Salome, tell you a secret, my mother is an angel!” which made Salome so relieved that she considered all that she has done was meaningful.



Bishnu was a Nepalese student who also gave warmth to children through the screen. He would routinely ask children“Do you have any questions?” before ending the classes. Zou Pengran, quite different from his usual shyness, asked so many questions. His mother, Liu Minou, is a medical worker in the Second Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University, who has been fighting in the frontline against the epidemic. She noted that “I was a little worried about my son’s complaint since I spent little time accompanying him these days as he was still too young.” But she relieved after seeing her son’s words “Mom, I love you so much.” “My son often told me that what the elder teacher taught was interesting, I was grateful that the international students could accompany my child, not only for new knowledge of English speaking but also making him understand my work gradually.”


Since the beginning of the program of “Online classes during the epidemic—English spoken classes by international students”, 13 international students have been successfully paired with 40 families to conduct more than 100 English-spoken teaching classes. We won’t stop as the epidemic has yet come to an end. Regardless of skin colors and languages, people are connected with love. It is our belief that Spring is coming as Winter has been passed.




多米尼克姑娘坎迪斯·菲利普Khandice是他们中的一员。听说学校需要留学生口语志愿者,她第一时间向老师发送了报名申请。“Any time I need help, Chinese people are always patient with me and trying to understand me.” 她想借此机会来回报中国。“The only thing I thought is about trying my best to take care of these children. "为了适应不同年龄段孩子的语言学习需求,提升学习效率,她常常备课到深夜。虽然过程辛苦,但她表示通过这样的方式能为前线的医护人员尽一份力,感觉十分满足。

津巴布韦籍的赛欧Salome是第一批加入这个项目的志愿者之一,与她结对的包括首批浙江援鄂医疗队队员(温医大附二院呼吸科主管护师马萍)的孩子,张乐晖。“那天我正在给孩子们介绍不同的职业,小乐晖突然问我Salome, my mom is a doctor, why she is always away from home? ”孩子稚嫩的脸庞上写满了思念,这给赛欧留下了深刻的印象。由于疫情,父母无法陪伴在他的身边,小乐晖经常将自己的愿望写在明信片上,他希望一家人团聚的时刻早日到来。“张乐晖勇敢,妈妈爱你”马萍在自己的防护服上如是写道。字里行间是“舍小家、为大家”的伟大与奉献。赛欧了解情况后耐心地向他解释了医护人员救死扶伤的使命和职责,在不久后的一次教学中,那个曾经不能理解父母为什么不能陪伴在自己左右的小乐晖突然告诉她:“Salome, tell you a secret, my mother is an angel! ”这让赛欧感到特别欣慰,她认为自己所付出的一切都被赋予了意义。


同样在屏幕前温暖着孩子们的还有尼泊尔籍的留学生毕史努Bishnu,每次视频课堂结束前,毕史努会例行问小朋友:“Do you have any questions?” 不同于一开始的羞涩腼腆,如今的邹鹏然喜欢抛出许多奇奇怪怪的问题。小鹏然的妈妈刘敏欧是温州医科大学附属第二医院一名医务人员,战斗在疫情防控一线。她表示“孩子还小,这段日子里陪伴他的时间实在是太少了,有点担心他会责怪我。”但当她看见儿子给自己发来的那句:“mom, I love you so much. ”她放下心来,“孩子经常跟我说留学生大哥哥教的内容很有趣,我很感谢留学生老师能够陪伴我的孩子,不仅让他学习到了新的口语知识,也让他开始慢慢理解了我的工作。”   




(Executive Editor: Ye Ke, Shang Ruofei)

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11835547 International students at Wenzhou Medical University gave free online tutorial classes to children of medical workers on the frontline 温医大留学生为医务人员子女提供线上辅导 public html

 “I see that China is doing its utmost to help other countries fight the epidemic. As an international student studying in China, I will also do something for respectable white angels and this country." Since February 11th, 13 international students coming from South Africa, Nepal, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, and other countries, studying at Wenzhou Medical University have joined the online free-tutoring program named "Classes during the epidemic". They have provided children of front-line medical workers (who are called “heroes in harm’s way”) in Wenzhou to solve their worries.



Khandice, a girl coming from Dominica, is one of the student volunteers. Knowing that the school is in need of volunteers to teach spoken English, she sent her application immediately to her teacher. By saying that “Any time I need help, Chinese people are always patient with me and trying to understand me”, she wanted to take this opportunity to do something for China. "The only thing I thought is about trying my best to take care of these children." In order to meet the language learning needs of children of different ages, and improve learning efficiency, she often prepares lessons late at night. Although the process was hard, she felt satisfied by doing her bit for the front-line medical workers in this way.


Salome is a Zimbabwean volunteer among the first batch participating in the program, who helped children of members of the first batch of Zhejiang medical team providing aid to Hubei (including Zhang Lehui, the child of Ma Ping, Nurse in charge of Respiratory Department, Second Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University) with their studies. “When I was explaining various jobs to the children, little Lehui asked me, ‘Salome, my mom is a doctor, why she is always away from home?’” which left Salome a deep impression, when she felt that the little boy missed his mom so much on his face. Since his parents could not accompany him by his side due to the epidemic, he often wrote postcards to express his missing and wishes for the day of the family reunion. Ma Ping wrote on her protective suit that “Be brave, my son, I love you!” Such simple words demonstrated greatness and dedication of “sacrificing a family for the whole public”. Salome explained patiently to the little boy about the mission and responsibility of medical workers of curing and saving lives. During another class shortly after, Lehui, the little boy who could not understand why his parents could not accompany him by his side, suddenly told her that, “Salome, tell you a secret, my mother is an angel!” which made Salome so relieved that she considered all that she has done was meaningful.



Bishnu was a Nepalese student who also gave warmth to children through the screen. He would routinely ask children“Do you have any questions?” before ending the classes. Zou Pengran, quite different from his usual shyness, asked so many questions. His mother, Liu Minou, is a medical worker in the Second Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University, who has been fighting in the frontline against the epidemic. She noted that “I was a little worried about my son’s complaint since I spent little time accompanying him these days as he was still too young.” But she relieved after seeing her son’s words “Mom, I love you so much.” “My son often told me that what the elder teacher taught was interesting, I was grateful that the international students could accompany my child, not only for new knowledge of English speaking but also making him understand my work gradually.”


Since the beginning of the program of “Online classes during the epidemic—English spoken classes by international students”, 13 international students have been successfully paired with 40 families to conduct more than 100 English-spoken teaching classes. We won’t stop as the epidemic has yet come to an end. Regardless of skin colors and languages, people are connected with love. It is our belief that Spring is coming as Winter has been passed.




多米尼克姑娘坎迪斯·菲利普Khandice是他们中的一员。听说学校需要留学生口语志愿者,她第一时间向老师发送了报名申请。“Any time I need help, Chinese people are always patient with me and trying to understand me.” 她想借此机会来回报中国。“The only thing I thought is about trying my best to take care of these children. "为了适应不同年龄段孩子的语言学习需求,提升学习效率,她常常备课到深夜。虽然过程辛苦,但她表示通过这样的方式能为前线的医护人员尽一份力,感觉十分满足。

津巴布韦籍的赛欧Salome是第一批加入这个项目的志愿者之一,与她结对的包括首批浙江援鄂医疗队队员(温医大附二院呼吸科主管护师马萍)的孩子,张乐晖。“那天我正在给孩子们介绍不同的职业,小乐晖突然问我Salome, my mom is a doctor, why she is always away from home? ”孩子稚嫩的脸庞上写满了思念,这给赛欧留下了深刻的印象。由于疫情,父母无法陪伴在他的身边,小乐晖经常将自己的愿望写在明信片上,他希望一家人团聚的时刻早日到来。“张乐晖勇敢,妈妈爱你”马萍在自己的防护服上如是写道。字里行间是“舍小家、为大家”的伟大与奉献。赛欧了解情况后耐心地向他解释了医护人员救死扶伤的使命和职责,在不久后的一次教学中,那个曾经不能理解父母为什么不能陪伴在自己左右的小乐晖突然告诉她:“Salome, tell you a secret, my mother is an angel! ”这让赛欧感到特别欣慰,她认为自己所付出的一切都被赋予了意义。


同样在屏幕前温暖着孩子们的还有尼泊尔籍的留学生毕史努Bishnu,每次视频课堂结束前,毕史努会例行问小朋友:“Do you have any questions?” 不同于一开始的羞涩腼腆,如今的邹鹏然喜欢抛出许多奇奇怪怪的问题。小鹏然的妈妈刘敏欧是温州医科大学附属第二医院一名医务人员,战斗在疫情防控一线。她表示“孩子还小,这段日子里陪伴他的时间实在是太少了,有点担心他会责怪我。”但当她看见儿子给自己发来的那句:“mom, I love you so much. ”她放下心来,“孩子经常跟我说留学生大哥哥教的内容很有趣,我很感谢留学生老师能够陪伴我的孩子,不仅让他学习到了新的口语知识,也让他开始慢慢理解了我的工作。”   




(Executive Editor: Ye Ke, Shang Ruofei)

student;Medical;children;epidemic;workers;Wenzhou;Salome;South Africa;program;留学生