A post-95s Spanish-born Wenzhou girl and her nursing experience in the ICU of the local hospital "95后" 温州籍华裔在西班牙ICU病房当护士

2020-03-31 02:09:07 source: Wenzhou News


COVID-19 has been spreading all over the world. The hero of the overseas anti-epidemic story of today is Ye Hanquan, whose Spanish name is Beatrice Ye Zhu. She was born in 1996 and her ancestral home is Wencheng.

Although she is still studying for a master's degree in medicine, she resolutely joined the fight against the epidemic and became a nurse in the intensive care unit (ICU) of COVID 19, a hospital in Spain.

"It's morning when I get home from work. I'm so tired that I don't want to wash and go to bed directly." "My chest is like being held tightly by a huge stone, but I still choose to stick to my medical position.”


Because I'm a nurse, I want to join the anti-epidemic team

My father is an earlier generation of immigrants and his hometown is Wencheng in Wenzhou. I was born in Spain in 1996, and I had a dream of being a medical worker when I was a child. Later, I studied nursing and participated in international exchanges, and went to Zhejiang Chinese Medical University to study acupuncture and massage.

During the winter vacation, I went back to Spain. Recently, the COVID-19 epidemic has spread all over Spain. Now I live in Madrid, which is the place with the most confirmed cases in Spain.

I am a nurse with experience in nursing practice in the ICU of a large hospital. I know what I have to do.


On March 11, the Carlos III Hospital in Madrid contacted me and offered a temporary employment contract to hire me as the medical staff for the reinforcement, but they did not provide me with more specific information about the contract and schedule, and there was no new information two days later.

With the number of patients growing exponentially, I temporarily decided to contact the hospital where I worked as an intern last summer: Severo Gioia Hospital, which is currently the third-largest hospital in Madrid to receive COVID-19 patients. Due to the urgent shortage of medical personnel, they immediately accepted my application and thanked me very much.

I accepted their decision to place me in the ICU ward because I had worked in this department and thought I was familiar with the equipment and workflow here. On the evening of March 14, they provided me with a work schedule, and I formally joined them.

In order to do a good job of protection, I stayed separately from my family and found a room outside by myself.

When I entered the ICU, I saw the patient's eyes filled with the desire to live

I have three shifts a week: from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m., and from 10 p.m. to 8 p.m. the next day. The working hours are basically the same as those in ICU before, but the work intensity is much higher.

When I entered the ICU, I found that all the patients there were patients with COVID-19. Only later did I know that the Severo Gioia Hospital was almost full.

Most of the patients with COVID-19 have dyspnea, and most of them are injected with analgesics and vascular drugs to keep their blood pressure normal. In addition, we found that prone position can significantly improve breathing pattern. In other words, the change of posture requires the cooperation of two nurses, two caretakers, and one doctor, so the workload is very heavy.

In the ward, some patients are delirious due to long-term intubation and drug treatment. But I can still feel the desire for survival in the eyes of them. We have witnessed more departures and deaths here, but also because of the hope in their eyes, let us continue to build up confidence and strive to adhere to each other.


A lot of friends encouraged me, and some people put the foods in front of the window

Chinese groups all over Spain have donated masks, protective clothing, gloves, sterilized alcohol and goggles to Spanish committees, national police stations and hospitals. Our hospital has also received a unified material allocation, but at present, our medical staff's protective materials are still in short supply.

Therefore, the staff needs to wear masks throughout the shift. The staff in the morning and afternoon shift of my hospital need to wear masks for 7 hours, and the staff in the night shift need to wear masks for 10 hours.

Usually, in the intensive care unit, a nurse can take care of two patients. The nurse needs to get the patient's coefficients every hour, so she needs to enter the ward to check whether everything is normal. But now due to the lack of protective equipment, all nurses can only take care of all patients in the ward, that is, three nurses take care of six patients.

I used to be a big foodie. I like pasta and tapas. But I can't eat a bite these days.

Some friends know that I have a bad appetite and can make some delicious food. They will put it downstairs in advance and let me take it. Then they will wait in front of the window and greet me warmly after seeing me. At that time, I was really moved.

Finally, I want to talk about the Chinese people around me.

Earlier, many Spanish Chinese returned to China because of the Spring Festival. After they returned to Spain, many of them chose to isolate themselves for two weeks.

My parents went back to China for the Spring Festival with their families. When they went back to Madrid, my sister and I drove two cars to the airport to meet them with masks. On the way home, my sister and I took the first car while my parents drove the second.

When they get home, they immediately have 14 days of self-isolation, even if they don't believe they are actually exposed to the virus.

Just like my parents, many Chinese in Spain have chosen to isolate themselves out of duty.

At the same time, weeks before Spain announced a nationwide blockade to fight the COVID-19 epidemic, the Chinese had begun to voluntarily close stores and wear masks.

In order to protect themselves and to protect others better, the self-discipline of the Chinese people has also won respect.

新冠肺炎疫情蔓延全球,今天海外抗疫故事的主人公,名字叫叶涵荃,西班牙名 Beatrice Ye Zhu,1996年出生,祖籍文成。


“值完班,回到家已是天亮,累到不想洗漱,想粘床就睡。” “胸口就像被巨石紧紧压着,透不过气,不过我还是选择坚守。”

因为我是护士 我要加入抗疫小组





3月11日,马德里的卡洛斯三世 (the Carlos III) 医院联系到我并提供了临时聘用合同,想聘用我为增援的医疗人员,不过他们没有给我提供更多关于合同和日程安排的具体信息,两天之后还没有新的信息。

随着患者人数呈指数型增长,我决定临时联系去年夏天实习工作过的医院:塞韦罗 奥乔亚医院。这家医院目前是马德里地区收治新冠肺炎第三多的医院。由于医疗卫生人员高度缺乏,他们马上接受了我的申请,并对我表示十分感谢。



进入ICU病房当护士 他们眼中都是生的希望


当我进入重症监护室时,我发现那里所有的病人都是新冠肺炎患者。其实后来才知道塞韦罗 奥乔亚医院的床位已基本全满。




很多小伙伴给我鼓励 有人把吃的放到窗前














 (Executive Editor: Ye Ke)

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11834067 A post-95s Spanish-born Wenzhou girl and her nursing experience in the ICU of the local hospital "95后" 温州籍华裔在西班牙ICU病房当护士 public html


COVID-19 has been spreading all over the world. The hero of the overseas anti-epidemic story of today is Ye Hanquan, whose Spanish name is Beatrice Ye Zhu. She was born in 1996 and her ancestral home is Wencheng.

Although she is still studying for a master's degree in medicine, she resolutely joined the fight against the epidemic and became a nurse in the intensive care unit (ICU) of COVID 19, a hospital in Spain.

"It's morning when I get home from work. I'm so tired that I don't want to wash and go to bed directly." "My chest is like being held tightly by a huge stone, but I still choose to stick to my medical position.”


Because I'm a nurse, I want to join the anti-epidemic team

My father is an earlier generation of immigrants and his hometown is Wencheng in Wenzhou. I was born in Spain in 1996, and I had a dream of being a medical worker when I was a child. Later, I studied nursing and participated in international exchanges, and went to Zhejiang Chinese Medical University to study acupuncture and massage.

During the winter vacation, I went back to Spain. Recently, the COVID-19 epidemic has spread all over Spain. Now I live in Madrid, which is the place with the most confirmed cases in Spain.

I am a nurse with experience in nursing practice in the ICU of a large hospital. I know what I have to do.


On March 11, the Carlos III Hospital in Madrid contacted me and offered a temporary employment contract to hire me as the medical staff for the reinforcement, but they did not provide me with more specific information about the contract and schedule, and there was no new information two days later.

With the number of patients growing exponentially, I temporarily decided to contact the hospital where I worked as an intern last summer: Severo Gioia Hospital, which is currently the third-largest hospital in Madrid to receive COVID-19 patients. Due to the urgent shortage of medical personnel, they immediately accepted my application and thanked me very much.

I accepted their decision to place me in the ICU ward because I had worked in this department and thought I was familiar with the equipment and workflow here. On the evening of March 14, they provided me with a work schedule, and I formally joined them.

In order to do a good job of protection, I stayed separately from my family and found a room outside by myself.

When I entered the ICU, I saw the patient's eyes filled with the desire to live

I have three shifts a week: from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m., and from 10 p.m. to 8 p.m. the next day. The working hours are basically the same as those in ICU before, but the work intensity is much higher.

When I entered the ICU, I found that all the patients there were patients with COVID-19. Only later did I know that the Severo Gioia Hospital was almost full.

Most of the patients with COVID-19 have dyspnea, and most of them are injected with analgesics and vascular drugs to keep their blood pressure normal. In addition, we found that prone position can significantly improve breathing pattern. In other words, the change of posture requires the cooperation of two nurses, two caretakers, and one doctor, so the workload is very heavy.

In the ward, some patients are delirious due to long-term intubation and drug treatment. But I can still feel the desire for survival in the eyes of them. We have witnessed more departures and deaths here, but also because of the hope in their eyes, let us continue to build up confidence and strive to adhere to each other.


A lot of friends encouraged me, and some people put the foods in front of the window

Chinese groups all over Spain have donated masks, protective clothing, gloves, sterilized alcohol and goggles to Spanish committees, national police stations and hospitals. Our hospital has also received a unified material allocation, but at present, our medical staff's protective materials are still in short supply.

Therefore, the staff needs to wear masks throughout the shift. The staff in the morning and afternoon shift of my hospital need to wear masks for 7 hours, and the staff in the night shift need to wear masks for 10 hours.

Usually, in the intensive care unit, a nurse can take care of two patients. The nurse needs to get the patient's coefficients every hour, so she needs to enter the ward to check whether everything is normal. But now due to the lack of protective equipment, all nurses can only take care of all patients in the ward, that is, three nurses take care of six patients.

I used to be a big foodie. I like pasta and tapas. But I can't eat a bite these days.

Some friends know that I have a bad appetite and can make some delicious food. They will put it downstairs in advance and let me take it. Then they will wait in front of the window and greet me warmly after seeing me. At that time, I was really moved.

Finally, I want to talk about the Chinese people around me.

Earlier, many Spanish Chinese returned to China because of the Spring Festival. After they returned to Spain, many of them chose to isolate themselves for two weeks.

My parents went back to China for the Spring Festival with their families. When they went back to Madrid, my sister and I drove two cars to the airport to meet them with masks. On the way home, my sister and I took the first car while my parents drove the second.

When they get home, they immediately have 14 days of self-isolation, even if they don't believe they are actually exposed to the virus.

Just like my parents, many Chinese in Spain have chosen to isolate themselves out of duty.

At the same time, weeks before Spain announced a nationwide blockade to fight the COVID-19 epidemic, the Chinese had begun to voluntarily close stores and wear masks.

In order to protect themselves and to protect others better, the self-discipline of the Chinese people has also won respect.

新冠肺炎疫情蔓延全球,今天海外抗疫故事的主人公,名字叫叶涵荃,西班牙名 Beatrice Ye Zhu,1996年出生,祖籍文成。


“值完班,回到家已是天亮,累到不想洗漱,想粘床就睡。” “胸口就像被巨石紧紧压着,透不过气,不过我还是选择坚守。”

因为我是护士 我要加入抗疫小组





3月11日,马德里的卡洛斯三世 (the Carlos III) 医院联系到我并提供了临时聘用合同,想聘用我为增援的医疗人员,不过他们没有给我提供更多关于合同和日程安排的具体信息,两天之后还没有新的信息。

随着患者人数呈指数型增长,我决定临时联系去年夏天实习工作过的医院:塞韦罗 奥乔亚医院。这家医院目前是马德里地区收治新冠肺炎第三多的医院。由于医疗卫生人员高度缺乏,他们马上接受了我的申请,并对我表示十分感谢。



进入ICU病房当护士 他们眼中都是生的希望


当我进入重症监护室时,我发现那里所有的病人都是新冠肺炎患者。其实后来才知道塞韦罗 奥乔亚医院的床位已基本全满。




很多小伙伴给我鼓励 有人把吃的放到窗前














 (Executive Editor: Ye Ke)
