Smart lighting boosts waxberry production in Lanxi

2024-04-28 17:29:09 source: Tide News

Waxberry greenhouses on the hills lit up under smart supplementary lighting systems in Xiadu village, Majian town of Lanxi, recently.

The intelligent lighting system mitigates the effects of low light conditions due to weather, enhancing waxberry growth by adjusting light intensity and duration. 

Lanxi, known as the "Home of Chinese Waxberry" and the largest waxberry-producing area in central-western Zhejiang, boasts over 3,000 mu (about 200 hectares) of greenhouse waxberry, with the harvest season expected to begin in early May.

Reporter: Jin Sicheng; Editor Xu Zhitian; Correspondent Zhaoyuan

Editor: Xu Zhitian

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Waxberry greenhouses on the hills lit up under smart supplementary lighting systems in Xiadu village, Majian town of Lanxi, recently.

The intelligent lighting system mitigates the effects of low light conditions due to weather, enhancing waxberry growth by adjusting light intensity and duration. 

Lanxi, known as the "Home of Chinese Waxberry" and the largest waxberry-producing area in central-western Zhejiang, boasts over 3,000 mu (about 200 hectares) of greenhouse waxberry, with the harvest season expected to begin in early May.

Reporter: Jin Sicheng; Editor Xu Zhitian; Correspondent Zhaoyuan

Editor: Xu Zhitian
